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"You guys have heard of the Human Genome Project, right? These kids are superior to you in every way imaginable!"
Mr. Flacit, Pico vs. Überkids

The Überkids are the titular main antagonists of Pico vs. Überkids. Composed of Übersam, Überjon, and Überfred, they are the creations of the Human Genome Project, designed to be superior to the average human in every way. After their conception, they are sent to test their skills on the students of the local school, to which Pico and his friends oblige.

They make various appearances in several other games and movies, most notably Pico's Unloaded, as disposable goons for the sole purpose of the main trio to tear apart.

General information

Physical appearance

All Überkids are identical in looks; their general appearance consists of a brown bowl-cut, square jaw, a long-sleeved blue shirt & pants, and dark blue sneakers with the atom symbol as ankle patches. They also share the distinctive white eyes with no pupils that other characters have. Their stature almost appears to be slouched over, giving them a hunchbacked look.

Powers and abilities

The Überkids are artificially-gifted humanoids with very unnatural capabilities. Constructed by the Human Genome Project to be the perfect specimen, they all possess superhuman strength, endurance, agility and intelligence. However, this approach towards physical and mental superiority fails to account for the circumstance of luck, which ends up being their greatest weakness. This is presented as such in Pico vs. Überkids, where they are completely unprepared for the proposed game of Rock–Paper–Scissors Roulette.

In later appearances, like Pico's Unloaded, they are shown to rely on numbers to have a greater advantage over their opponents, appearing in large groups. This proves to be less than effective, especially when their enemy is well-equipped for a head-on attack. The Überkids are also able to blend in with society, as a small group of them managed to masquerade as ice cream salesmen, though not without suspicion.


Personality-wise, the Überkids appear to be stoic, rarely showing emotion or any form of individuality. However, they occasionally show a sliver of humanity in certain situations. In Pico vs. Überkids, when each of them survive in a round or if their opponent wins, they react in either shock, anger or fear. They also show a very crude sense of humor where, if they manage to win in the end, they proceed to mock the losing team by mooning them and defecating. In their initial appearance, they seem to be rather neutral, having no malicious intent, and make no effort to act threatening. Later depictions have them act more violent, specifically towards Pico and his friends, suggesting that they held a grudge towards their losses.


Pico vs. Überkids

In Pico vs. Überkids, Übersam, Überjon, and Überfred join the school as three new students, brought to be tested by the class's best students. Since the "best students" have died in a violent bloodbath, Pico, Nene, and Darnell have been selected in their place. The Überkids are then chosen to take part in the very lethal game of Rock Paper Scissors Roulette.

In each round, Übersam is placed against Nene, Überjon is placed against Darnell, and Überfred is placed against Pico. In the true ending, after their breakthroughs in genomics are proven fruitless by "shit-ass luck", the Human Genome Project is discontinued and all the remains of the Überkids are disposed of, thrown into a landfill to serve as fertilizer.

Pico Roulette

In Pico Roulette, all the Überkids appear as playable characters.

The content below is not official to the Pico franchise.

Pico's Unloaded

In Pico's Unloaded, the Überkids act as the main antagonists. At some point, they opened an ice cream shop named U-Cream, made for the sole purpose of luring Pico into a trap. The Überkids then surround him and try to attack, but Pico is already prepared and proceeds to mow down the army with his dual MAC-10s. After killing hundreds of them, Pico has a final fight with the sole surviving Überkid and kills him with his bare hands.




  • All the Überkids have "Über" as the prefix to each of their names, such as Übersam, Überjon, and Überfred. The word "Über", meaning "over" or "above", originates from a term coined by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, "Übermensch", which translates to "Overman". Therefore, "Überkid" means "Overkid"; in other words, they are "above the average kid".
  • The aforementioned Human Genome Project was a real-life scientific effort led by an international group of scientists and researchers to identify, map and sequence the genes of the entire human genome, as well as determine the base pairs that make up human DNA. A 13-year-long, publicly funded project initiated in 1990 before finally being completed in 2003, it remains the world's largest collaborative biological project.
  • In Pico vs. Überkids, the Überkids make no efforts to harm Pico, Darnell, or Nene, only mocking the main trio if they win. Since the release of Pico's Unloaded, subsequent Flash animations show them act quite maliciously toward the trio, ranging from kidnapping to outright attempting to murder them.
  • Though they were originally depicted as enhanced humans, fan animations like Überkid's Revenge occasionally portray the Überkids as mechanical cyborgs more akin to The Terminator.
  • When the Überkids' statistics are shown in Pico vs. Überkids, their blood type is A.
    • Their birthdate is written as "today", meaning that despite appearing to be fully developed, they are all around a day old.
  • Despite what is claimed in their debut, the Überkids' supposed physical and mental superiority is only implied rather than displayed onscreen.
Main Characters Pico - Nene - Darnell
Goth Punks Cassandra - Cyclops - Alucard - Hanzo
Big House that Blew Big Brown Bary - Piss & Poop - Titty - Hoe-Joe - Hoe-Bear - Creepo - Shadow
Ghettobots Leroy - Roc - José
Band of Terrorists Gangrene - Sandstorm - El Mandiblo
Neo Goth Punks Damien - Cyclops' cousin - Ozmose - Hanzo
Other Groups Überkids - Penilians - Goth Kids (Pico 2)
Minor Characters Pico's School Mr. Flacit - Pico 2 DJ - Pico's Cousin - Pico's Cousin 2 - Mentioned characters
Misc. Otis - Samurai Asshole - Reptile - Convict - Boyfriend