The unnamed school (also referred to as Pico's school) is the titular main location in Pico's School. It is the school that the protagonist Pico and his friends go to and is set in the city of Philadelphia.
Pico’s School
In Pico's School, the entire school is taken over and shot up by the Goth Punks, leaving countless dead bodies of kids in the hallways and classrooms. However, Pico manages to defeat the Goth Punks and save the school.
Pico 2
In Pico 2, Pico's new teacher Mr. Flacit announces that he got new students for his class, the Ghettobots, and they arrive. Sensing something off with the new classmates, Pico pulls out an AK-47, but doesn't shoot after Darnell compliments his gun. Once Darnell fills him in on their origin, he and Pico head to the playground to prepare for the impending battle.
Pico’s School: Love Conquers All
In Pico's School: Love Conquers All, instead of being taken over by the Goth Punks, the school remains unchanged as Pico manages to talk the Goth Punks out of committing the school shooting.
Known Students
Current Students
Former Students
Known Faculty
- An unnamed female teacher, who was the first victim of the school shooting
- Mr. Flacit
- Unknown janitor
Alucard's classroom in Pico's School: Love Conquers All.
Pico's classroom in Pico's Sç̕h͊͜ọ̊ő̥l̨̉.
The exterior of the school in the April Fools' version of Pico's School 2.
Concept art for the school's exterior in Pico 2, made by Tom Fulp.
Unused school hallway for Pico 2 revealed by MindChamber on Twitter.
The school, as seen in Newgrounds Rumble.
A lunchroom depicted in Pico's Hysterical Videos.
Locations | |
Main Locations | Philadelphia |
Center City | School - Playground - 911 Records - Gym - Club Cool - McGibbles - Buy & Leave! - My Big Joystick Arcade - Pico's house - Darnell's house - Westbound Subway |
North Philly | Broad Street - Applied Genetics Corp. |
Other Locations | The Big Blue House - Shady Acorns Retirement Villa |