Pico's Cousin 2/Transcript

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Shady Acorns (Opening)

(Fade in on Otis playing his guitar in the basement, until his father opens the door)

"Otis, get ready. We’re going to Grandma’s retirement home."
Otis' father
"Oh man! That place smells like horse shit!"
"Otis! It does not! It smells like old people shit."
Otis' father

(White fade to Otis sitting in the backseat of his father’s car.)

"And WHY are we going to Grandmas?"
"Because Grandma won the retirement home’s knitting contest. And we want to congratulate her."
Otis' father
"Thats the spirit son! [sic]"
Otis' father

(Camera pans down to Shady Acorns Retirement Villa; the sky turns dark as it begins to rain. Cut to the hallway as we pan over to room 323, the door opens to reveal an elderly woman.)

"Hey youngins! How is it going? Oh, Otis... I have a present for you and I think you'll like it!"
Otis' grandmother
"Oh wow! Really?! Where is it!? Where is it!?"
"Now, Otis, hold your horses! AHHH! WHAT IS THAT!"
Otis' grandmother

(A bright flash covers the screen as Otis' father and grandmother disappear.)

"Ah crap. Dad and grandma are gone! Looks like I need to get to the bottem of this... [sic]"

(Fade to black as the game begins.)

(If the player tries heading back to 323, Otis will deny the player this option, yelling out "No freakin' way!".)

"You look a little young to work or live here... but I can't give you any food without a cafeteria card, allright? So run along."
"I'd love to talk, kid but I'm hungry. Bring back some more food and we'll talk.
And make it quick, my stomach is killing me.

(The player then finds a leftover cafeteria card in room 322, and presents it to the cook.)

"Allright, here's your shit... I mean, food."

(Otis gives the "food" to the orderly.)

"Oh thank God! Some more food! Thanks man, what's on your mind?"
"Uhh... I really don't wanna use the public toilets. Can I use the one in the meeting room?"
"Yeah I know what you mean kid, those old people really shit up the restrooms. Here's the key to the meeting room. There is an employee restroom there."


(Otis faces a blue-skinned boy floating in the air.)

"Hey Otis. Do you know who I am?"
"I could give a rats ass who you are. [sic]
I want to know where my family is!
"Pretty neat trick huh?
I displaced their matter so I could move them through walls.
It seems as though I surpass my cousin in every way.
But I still must avenge him. Your cousin killed my cousin...
Now I'm going to kill Pico's cousin! Hahahah!
"You're not behind this, are you?"
"No, but the person who is promised me a chance for revenge... and liberation.
...In return for my handy abilities. Hahahahhaha!
Now, prepare to die at the will of me, Ozmose!

(A boss fight ensues; in the end, a white flash fills the screen as Ozmose's dead body lies on the ground.)


(A quick-time event occurs as Otis narrowly dodges a gigantic leg's attempt in crushing him.)

"Jeez that was close! What the hell was it?"

Cyclops' Cousin

(Otis approaches a pink-haired punk, armed with a Mini-Uzi.)

"Lemme guess... you're Cyclops' cousin? I don't have time for your anti-mainstream bullcrap. Step aside."
"Good guess. I'm not moving, or running away. Your ass is grass."
Cyclops' cousin
"I don't think you have the balls. Where are my parents?!"
"Think I'm going to tell you? I'm not telling you anything. Your cousin may have defeated my cousin last time bu-"
Cyclops' cousin
"Watch your tone, assclown. I don't care about your plans. Get out of my friggin' face!"
"Hahahah! I don't care what you think. We have the Penilians on our side now! You are going down!"
Cyclops' cousin

Eat high speed lead, dick.

(Another quick-time event is activated; Otis leaps in the air, dodging the gunfire and shoots Cyclops' cousin in the face, killing him.)

I'm not going to ask again.

"I'm not going to ask again. Where are my parents and the other residents?"
"The only thing I'm going to tell you is...
You and your cousin's days are numbered.
We are working for the Penilians. They will liberate goths and punks!
Cyclops' cousin
"You think you are different because of the music you listen to? It just makes you more of a tool. The Penilians won't win, and they don't give a shit about you...
Didn't you hear about what actually happened before Pico killed 'Casandra'? [sic] She said she didn't need you and your friends! She killed them!!!
"Ca-Casandra w-was a ROGUE! The Penilians promise us victory over you mainstream assholes!"
Cyclops' cousin
"They are lying, you asshat. They are using YOU to kill ME!"
Cyclops' cousin

(The same quick-time event occurs; Otis jumps, dodges the gunfire and shoots Cyclops' cousin in the face, killing him.)


(Otis' path is blocked by a stranger wearing a familiar ninja uniform.)

"Hahahah. Looks like I get to face you too. A samurai of my caliber has never been more fortunate."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your cousin, just passed by here. I got my revenge on him, and now I get to capture you as well."
"I know you are lying. Pico would have kicked your ass.
And are you somehow related to Hanzou?
"Hahah. Pico once did kick my ass. This time, I kicked his. I am Hanzou."
"Impossible!!! Pico decapitated you!"
"He did. But you forget that we have an advanced alien race on our side.
They rebuilt me from head to toe and even gave me a few
They made me strong enough to be able to beat Pico.

(Hanzou's eyes turn red.)

"Real impressive, so why is Pico here anyways?"
"Why else? To do the impossible; to stop us and the Penilians."
"And what are you trying to accomplish here? Last time I checked, a retirement home isn't a great secret base."
"Do you think I'm stupid enough to tell you are plan? [sic] Aren't you content with the knowledge that you have one more person to save now?
And if I were you I'd be worried about the fact that we needed Pico, so I didn't kill him... yet... but you, we don't need you, so prepare to DIE!

(Another boss fight ensues; a white flash fills the screen as Hanzou lies on the ground, dead.)

Alien Hominid

(Otis enters the janitor's closet, only to find...)

"Holy moley! Your the Alien Hominid from that videogame! [sic] This is really trippy! Say, what's that around your neck?"

(Otis refers to the key around the yellow alien's neck)

Alien Hominid

(Another battle occurs; once again, a white flash as the alien's dead body slams against the wall, sliding to the floor.)

(Otis takes the key and heads to the rooftop.)


"Youre just on time, Prico's cousin. [sic]"
Unnamed goth
"There's nothing you can do to stop us now! Hur hur..."
Unnamed punk
"You and your family have the warrior's gene.
It has been passed down from generation to generation.
And has been the only thing stopping the Pennilians from taking over the Earth! [sic]
And now with our help, the Pennilians shall get what they want, and so shall we. [sic]
Unnamed emo
"After we have helped the Pennilians we will longer be the different ones! [sic]"
Unnamed punk
"Heheh. The punks and goths of this plant shall be 'liberated'. Heheh."
"Congratulations on being dipshits. The Penillians are just using you for target practice. [sic]"
"Wrong, Otis. The Pennilians need us. Our freethinking minds are critical to you and your family's defeat. [sic]"
Unnamed goth
"If thinking free means dressing in one color and listening to one kind of music...
...Than I am quite content being a conforming and oppressive jerk. [sic]
"Besides, last time, that bitch Cassandra double-crossed your friends and killed them all."
"Silence, Prico! As soon as the Pennilian ship lands your ass will be probed in more ways than you can count! [sic]
Then you shall become fodder for the Penillian's pets; the Alien Hominids. [sic]
Unnamed goth
"But before the ship arrives, we get to watch big Damien here kick the shit out of your cousin, Otis!"
Unnamed emo
"Before I kill these useless punks and goths like insects, I should really let you know that we Penillians chose you because of your easy manipulation. [sic]
And also you tend to only challenge the thoughts and actions of those who tell you what to do. I hope you enjoyed your killing spree and power trips while I used you. Goodbye.

(Damien makes a huge stomp that launches the goths off the rooftop, sending them falling to their deaths.)

"Those idiots never learn. But now, I get to have fun with you, Otis. At least until the ship comes... that is... if you last that long.
So unless you can pull a real good fight out of your ass, you shall die. And soon so will your family.
And then... nothing can stop the Pennillians from taking over the Earth! [sic]
"I'll give you one more chance free my family ans leave this planet. [sic]"
"Otis? Have you ever fought a male Penillian? [sic] I didn't think so. Prepare to be immortalized as the idiot who was out of his league!"

(So commences the penultimate boss fight; upon defeat, the Penilian Damien topples over and fades away into a red mist.)

(Otis approaches the cage and unlocks it, freeing his family.)

"Nice fighting back there."
"I agree that was a great fight, Otis."
Otis' father
"Thanks for saving us."
Otis' grandmother
"Yeah no problem. But what about that UFO?"

(As if on cue, the Penilian UFO surfaces. Otis shoots it down, causing the ship to crash. Fade to black.)


"They ARE coming back."
"For our blood. Which is why you need to understand why we have to move to the city."
Otis' father
"Yeah I guess. I don't like the idea of starting over again though."
"Its really for the best. The Penilians know where we live. The city is much safer. They could try to get at us again, now that we know what they want to do with us. [sic]"
Otis' grandmother

(In the background, another UFO flies away in the sky.)

"We can't hide forever. When they try to find us, we'll be ready."
"Say grandma, I just remembered something. At the home didn't you say you had sommething for me?"
"Hehe, well, Otis, its something you've been wanting for a long time... [sic]"
Otis' grandmother

(We zoom in on Otis, who finally earns the long-awaited PS2 Alien Hominid video game he had waited for.)

(Fade to black)




YOU, for beating this game.
SESSNET - SESSNET, This dude has been there for me all along. This game wouldn't work or feel the same as it does without him Whether it be some Action Script help or just an ear to listen, hes there Thanks man!

P B M - P B M, PBM helped me out when I needed it. He made a BBS post directed at me asking if I wanted help. I was suspect to his abilities. But he was definitley the man when it came to backrounds! He drew the Retirement home and its roof.

Jose Ortiz (MindChamber) - Mindchamber, Thanks Jose. You've been great support with this game. You listened to my 'clucking' and gladly gave me great creative ideas. Thanks again, dude.

David Mancini - David Mancini, David did a lot of great backrounds for this game. He also liked to talk to me and we had some great times! Thanks a bunch, David!

Will Stamper - Will Stamper, Stamper is one awesome guy. He never loses an argument and is really funny (sometimes unintentially). Will Stamper hates Dom Price.

Dom Price -Dom Price, Dom Price gave me some AS advice when I made this game. It really helped and I really appreciated it. Dom Price is hated by Will Stamper.

Tom Fulp - Tom Fulp, I don't know Tom on a personal level but I know he must be a cool guy for starting a great site for me to put this game up and creating Pico, Thanks Tom for this great site. Without you, where would I be?

Wade Fulp
Little Jim
Jeff Veasy
Star Cleaver
Filpe Hemp
glen "jin"
ben Saunders from TN
Homestar Runner
Your Mom

I apologize for all the copyrights I've broken,
stories I've butchered and
people I've hurt in the making
of this Game.
I tried my best to fit as
many Popular NG
characters and locations to
add to the fun.
'Imitaion is the most
sincere form of flattery.'


Why was this game delayed?

Alternate Ending

Art by Pox

Don't forget to write a review and/or bookmark this as one of your favorites!

Why was this game delayed?

Why was this game delayed...

Lots of thing. For one, the shrike, who wanted to coauthor with me didn't do anything to contribute to the project and the file he had been working on was "corrupted". Also when I went back to high school I pretty much forgot about Flash. But it's Spring Break so I have some free-time now and I just wrote this! (3-28-05)

Alternate Ending

(Cut back to the family regrouping in room 323.)

"I think it's safe to say the Penilians will be coming back."
"Sooner or later, yes."
Otis' father
"As long as one of us lives, we have a fighting chance. We have the warriors gene!"
"And then we'd all be screwed, no matter if we were here or not."
"We will need a plan. And we will also need to hone our weapon skills."
"The world depends on us now."
"Hey, there's another thing. I remember you were going to give me a gift before you disapeered, grandma... What was it? [sic]"

Art by Pox

This is what you would have seen if you died on the bosses. Thanks Pox!