Newgrounds is an American entertainment website, social networking service, and company founded by Tom Fulp in 1995. It primarily hosts animated films and games created in Adobe Flash, with its headquarters located in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Newgrounds was the first Flash website to use a user-judged, automated submission/rating system and remains the largest and best-known source for Flash content. Fulp himself still oversees every aspect of the site and regularly produces in-house content.
Newgrounds allows its users to submit their own Flash movies, games, music, and art, and view submissions from other users. Over the years, the site has grown significantly, and must rely on the cooperation of its visitors. Visitors are encouraged to rate and review the submissions. A rating system produces lists that direct visitors to the most popular Flash movies and allows the site designers to easily locate any material that might be considered for deletion or promotion. The site has nearly 2 million registered members and over 500,000 Flash submissions as of February 2010. Of those, more than 170,000 have survived the auto-delete system known as "judgment".[1]