Citizen Pico: Pico's School IV

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Pico, Nene & Darnell must get to school on time! - Newgrounds Description

Citizen Pico: Pico's School IV (or simply shortened to Pico IV) is a point-and-click Flash game created by Kolumbo and released on May 19, 2024. Uploaded on Newgrounds during the most recent Pico Day, the game is set in an alternate universe based on a possible distant future of Pico's School, where Pico and his friends are older. The game acts as a tribute to Troma Entertainment films, namely Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV, the fourth installment of The Toxic Avenger franchise.


Pico (now with long hair), gets up from bed, realizing that he is late for school. He leaves his house and goes to look for Nene, who unlike in the past, she has managed to overcome her depression and be happy in life, dyeing their hair pink. They both go outside and wait for Darnell (with a slightly bigger flattop) in the seat to wait for the bus. While they were talking, a car appears and runs over Nene and Darnell. Pico picks up their bodies and takes them to a doctor named Dr. Schmuck, who promises him that he has a lot of experience in medication and can "resuscitate" both of them. Suddenly, another version of Pico wearing a blue shirt appears and shoots the original Pico, leaving him unconscious.

Pico gets up, and sees that the doctor's room is full of blood. Dr. Schmuck explains the situation, saying that an evil version of him shot him and "took away" his friends, telling him that he left a gun in the alleyway of his office. He offhandedly says that it's funny that an adult gives a child weapons, claiming it's something that only Hitler would do. Pico picks up the weapon and heads to the school, which is much bloodier than usual. When he comes across a bunch of skulls, he meets Tracie. She tells Pico she has the key to the janitor's closet and will only give it to him if he lets her be his girlfriend. Pico can either accept to be Tracie's boyfriend and she will happily hand him the janitor's key, or he can end up killing Tracie out of annoyance and take the key anyway.

When heading to the janitor's closet, he meets a monstrous amalgamation of Nene and Darnell. Pico easily defeats this being and takes its body to Dr. Schmuck, but the doctor refuses to revive Nene and Darnell. Pico gets fed up and promptly shoots Dr. Schmuck directly in the face.

Dr. Schmuck is revealed to be Adolf Hitler himself, and he created a bunch of evil Pico clones, and his medical office turned out to be a Nazi lair. After he finishes ranting in his native tongue, a boss battle will commence. Pico defeats Hitler, decapitating his head and ends up urinating on it, ending the game.


Main article: Citizen Pico: Pico's School IV/Transcript



The reception of Citizen Pico: Pico's School IV was mostly positive. Many praised that this game is very faithful to the old Pico fangames, although some complained about the lack of checkpoints every time you die, and others were stunned by Hitler's plot twist. The game currently has a review score of 4.45/5.00, with over 40,000 views, and won the Daily 3rd Place award a day after its release.

Additionally, it was also featured on the Newgrounds front page and in the Pico Day 2024 collection.




  • In Pico's room, he has a "I Want to Believe" poster from The X-Files and a movie poster for the Troma film, Class of Nuke 'Em High hanging on his walls. He loves the former because it reminds him of "the time [he] saved the school" and he sees the latter as the "best movie ever", calling over-the-top gore and bodily fluids "awesome".
    • He also has a copy of the book "War and Peace" sitting on his cupboard, which he derides as "boring".
  • Nene's room has posters of the boy band NSYNC and Tom Fulp on her walls.
  • During her conversation with Pico, at one point Nene says, "La vita è bella!" which is Italian for "Life is beautiful!".
  • Darnell's presidential campaign poster in this version states he only has 2 years to live, instead of five.
  • The "Blue Pico" is a nod to The Noxious Offender (a.k.a Noxie), an evil version of The Toxic Avenger from an alternate reality.
  • The evil Pico's blue shirt shares a similarity to Otis.
  • It is not confirmed, but it is possible that the amalgamation of Nene and Darnell killed the rest of the students, which would explain why the school environment is very bloody.
    • That would also explain why Tracie was hiding inside a bunch of skeletons.
  • When Pico enters the girl's bathroom, the entire place is completely clean, absent of any blood. This is so surprising that he even comments on this.
  • Clicking the OBEY poster in the teacher's lounge will play a soundbite of Yev Kassem (a.k.a the Soup Nazi)'s "No soup for you!" quote from Seinfeld.
  • The final boss battle is a clear shout-out and nod to the Mecha-Hitler boss from Wolfenstein 3D.
  • Adolf Hitler's speech at the end translates to: "For months we have all been suffering from the agony of a problem that the Versailles Treaty, i.e. the Versailles Dictate, once brought us, a problem that had become unbearable for us in its degeneration and degeneracy!!!".
