Pico's Cat Fight

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Girls fight for pico's love! - Newgrounds Description

Pico's Cat Fight is an Adobe Flash animation created by destructin, and released on April 26th, 2014. Uploaded on Newgrounds for Pico Day, the short film stars Nene and Cassandra as they proceed to clash with each other in the titular "cat fight" over Pico's affection.


The animation starts with Pico walking around the school's halls, when all of a sudden, he is stopped by Nene who gives him a birthday card; as it turns out, it is Pico's birthday. He smiles at her, but before she can say anything, Cassandra shoves her to the side and gives Pico a birthday card of her own. The card showing a crudely drawn stick figure couple having sex with the text "Let's have birthday sex!" Pico is obviously flustered at Cassandra's bold gesture, as she begins to seduce him.

Nene, filled with rage, pulls Cassandra away and attacks her. The two girls get into a fist fight while Pico watches on in horror. Nene, when pinned against a wall, grabs Cassandra's top, ripping it off and pushing her away, leaving her only in her bra. Pico is in awe of Cassandra's chest size being so big; seeing this as a chance to make a yet another move, Cassandra attempts to seduce him again. Nene, watching this unfold in front of her, gets the idea to seduce Pico herself. She starts to strip and show herself to Pico as well. The two proceed to strip in an attempt to make Pico fall in love with them, however, they are interrupted when a large figure enters the room. It turns out the figure is Darnell, as he hands a birthday card to Pico, this card containing a love confession and a sexy pinup of Darnell himself.

The two men stare into each other's eyes lovingly and begin to make out, leaving a naked Cassandra and Nene in shock, confusion and in Cassandra's case, disgust. She picks up her clothes and leaves, while Nene pleasures herself as she watches Darnell and Pico go at it.

