Mr. Flacit's Word Search

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Search out words from randomized letters in this word game! - Newgrounds Description

Mr. Flacit's Word Search is a spin-off game co-created by Stamper and liljim and released on August 3, 2004. It is a puzzle game that features Mr. Flacit, a minor character from Pico's School.


The player is presented with a randomized board at the beginning of each round, in which they must connect the given letters to spell out as many words as they can during the time limit. However, they can't use the same word more than once, and they can only use real words. Extra points can also be gained by spelling out some "special words".




  • The name of "Mr. Flacit" did not appear in Pico's School. He was simply known as the new teacher who replaces the old one. His name was finally given in this game, where he is the lead title character.
  • Mr. Flacit's in-game voice is provided by Stamper himself.