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"Happy birthday, Pico. Enjoying the party?"
Giko, Pico's Surprise Party

Giko is the main antagonist and final boss of Pico's Surprise Party. He is a socially-inept nerd who is a classmate of Pico's. Jealous of his popularity, Giko decides to interrupt his surprise birthday party with his battalion of "nerds, geeks and heavy metal freaks" and take over his house.

General information

Physical appearance

Giko has purple-blue hair that is parted in the middle. He wears a light gray long-sleeved shirt, beige pants and brown shoes. He also wears round spectacled glasses and has matching blue lipstick. In his boss battle, he transforms into a hulking green monstrosity with large, muscles and torn pants.


In every sense of the word, Giko is essentially a foil to Pico. While Pico is an incredibly popular student, Giko is a completely antisocial nerd who barely interacted with his classmates, and spends all day doing nothing but chemistry. Despite claiming he was the victim, he actively committed horrific acts of mass murder and planned to achieve world domination simply because his birthday was forgotten, which Pico rightfully chastises him for.


Though he is a normal human, Giko has very impressive skill in science, especially when making chemical potions. Upon drinking a super serum he created, he transforms into a larger, "hulked-out" version of himself. This serum, which gives him superhuman strength and durability (seeing how he tanks dozens of bullets), also allows him to shoot laser beams from his eyes and produce electricity from his palms. However, his main way of attacking appears to be simply slamming both of his huge fists into the ground.


Pico's Surprise Party

In Pico's Surprise Party, Pico's birthday has arrived and everyone is invited to a surprise party to celebrate. When Giko receives an invitation, he is infuriated and decides to crash the party. Later that day, he brings a group of fellow nerds and goths and shoots up Pico's house. Once the birthday boy arrives, he kills the intruders before finally confronting Giko himself.

He reveals that he shared the same birthdate as Pico, and nobody in his class was aware of this, leading him to grow jealous of him. However, his actions aren't justified, as Pico points out, since Giko chose to be an antisocial loner and not interact with his peers, instead focusing on chemistry. Giko then states his plans for world domination for the sole purpose of popularity and, immediately after, drinks a chemical potion and transforms into a muscular beast, whom Pico defeats.


"Greetings, fellow female classmate. May I take part in this social activity that's being planned for tonight?"
Giko, Pico's Surprise Party
"Pico's birthday, eh?! Well. He's going to be real surprised..."
Giko, Pico's Surprise Party
"I don't get it, why are you so popular? You got nothing. NOTHING. I got everything you got. We even got born on the same day."
Giko, Pico's Surprise Party
"It doesn't matter now. Now I will be the most popular person in the world. Everyone would want to meet me. No one will ever forget my birthday. BECAUSE I WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!"
Giko, Pico's Surprise Party
"Behold what chemistry can do."
Giko, Pico's Surprise Party




  • Giko's name is a form of wordplay on the term "geek" and Pico's name.
  • His muscular, green-skinned form appears to be a nod, reference to, or inspired by the Marvel Comics character, the Hulk.
  • Despite his name implying he is a geek, Giko's appearance and personality make him much closer to that of a nerd.
  • His birthday is April 30th, which is apparently the same birthdate he shares with Pico.
  • Even though Giko claims to be an outcast, no one in the school is actually shown being mean to him, nor do they exclude him on purpose. In fact, when he asked about Pico's party, Nene gladly gave him an invitation. Pico even calls him out on him willingly choosing to be an anti-social loner, making his revenge even less justifiable than before.