File:Samurai Asshole Playthrough (1999, Flash)

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Samurai Asshole is a 1999 Beat em' up made in Flash 4 by Tom Fulp. The story is that your master was at a dinner held by religious leaders, but he unfourtunately choked on chicken that he was eating and passed away. So by tradition, The religious leaders must be killed to avenge your master. In the gameplay, You start off fighting two temple guards, and after that, you fight two more temple guards. When you defeat them, you have to fight Draco, who is presumably the god that was being worshipped by the religious leaders. After you kill him, you go back and do the same thing all over again, but instead of fighting Draco, a mushroom spaceship appears. You enter it and fly into space. You are witnessed by 2 aliens that look like the monster that Cassandra from Pico's School transformed into in the final boss of that game. The spaceship lands, and you end up in the Smurfs village for some reason. You have to kill two smurfs (or just make them go offscreen) and then the game ends on a cliffhanger. There was nothing for the Samurai Asshole series after that other than an unofficial sequel and his inclusion in Newgrounds Rumble.

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